Have you ever needed to quickly and easily deprovision a bunch of Chromebooks. If you have a list of their serial numbers it’s a snap with GAM. You can copy and paste the code below into a local file. I chose deprovision_by_sn.sh. Be sure to update the PATH to GAM and make the file executable using the chmod u+x option.
#!/bin/bash # Assuming the first line of the CSV is the header and serial numbers start from the second line. INPUT="deprovision.csv" OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=',' [ ! -f $INPUT ] && { echo "$INPUT file not found"; exit 99; } while read -r SerialNumber do echo "Processing $SerialNumber..." # Retrieve the device ID using the serial number deviceID=$(“PATH TO GAM”/gam print cros query "id:$SerialNumber" | sed -n '2p') if [ ! -z "$deviceID" ]; then # Deprovision the device “PATH TO GAM”/gam update cros "$deviceID" action deprovision_retiring_device acknowledge_device_touch_requirement else echo "No device found for Serial Number: $SerialNumber" fi done < <(tail -n +2 $INPUT) # Skip the header IFS=$OLDIFS
The script looks for the file deprovision.csv in the same directory as the script. Be sure the file begins with the header SerialNumber. Then each line can contain a serial number you wish to deprovision.